Reimbursement of Funds

The platform allows qualifying schools to upload invoices for tuition and fees. Additionally, parents or guardians can upload invoices or receipts. The CFEF staff will review and approve all invoices and receipts and initiate payments. Pre-approval for reimbursement must be submitted via CFEF form. Funds will be paid through the platform via a secure ACH process either directly to qualifying schools and service providers or as reimbursements to families for approved expenses.

Reimbursement Request Guidelines

  • Reimbursement requests must be submitted by 10 PM on the 5th of each month via the parent dashboard. Requests submitted by the deadline will be processed and reimbursed around the 25th of the same month.
  • Requests submitted after the 5th will be processed with the following month’s requests.
  • No partial requests may be submitted. All funds must be available in your account to pay for the product or service requested. The only exception to this is the final request of the program year.
  • Receipts are not accepted if they are dated prior to July 1 of that program year. The only exception to this is if a student is signed up for a program that begins after July 1 but registration must be paid prior to the program starting.
  • Reimbursement requests can be submitted July- May, each program year.
  • Venmo: Only accepted for payments to approved service providers, and must be accompanied by an invoice or receipt

Receipt Requirements

  • Must include the date, name of business/service provider, product/service, itemized cost, and total due.
  • If a service is provided, the student’s name should be included on the receipt.
  • Handwritten receipts are not accepted.
  • If only item categories (not individual products) are listed on a receipt (e.g., from Hobby Lobby), photos of the purchased items with prices visible are required.


  • Warranties are encouraged for larger purchases or equipment. If an item with a 3-year purchase limit breaks, it will not be replaced until eligible for replacement.
  • Warranties can be purchased for up to 3 years.

Purchase Request Guidelines

  • Requests must be submitted by 10 PM on the 15th of each month.
  • Requests submitted by the deadline will be processed by the end of the same month. CFEF will email families with order information when the order is placed or the provider is paid.
  • Requests submitted after the 15th will be processed the following month.
  • No partial requests may be submitted. All funds must be available in your account to pay for the product or service requested. The only exception to this is the final request of the program year.

Payment Methods for Direct Purchases

  • A direct payment link for service providers is preferred.
  • If no payment link is available, service providers will receive a mailed check. Note: There is no guarantee of payment by a specific due date; checks may take additional time to be received.

Wishlist/Cart Guidelines

  • AmazonWishlists are limited to 50 items. Any items beyond this will be randomly dropped by Amazon and will not be ordered.
  • Wishlist or saved cart links are preferred for other sites. If no wishlist is available, submit direct product links to ensure the correct items (e.g., books vs. PDFs) are ordered.
  • Downloadable items or PDFs cannot be ordered and must be submitted for reimbursement instead.

Subscription & Account-Based Products

  • If a subscription doesn’t offer a gifting option, it must be submitted for reimbursement.
  • If a product requires creating an account to access, that request must also be submitted for reimbursement.
  • Recurring payments for subscriptions need to be submitted by the parent each month. CFEF does not automatically pay a request each month.

Service Provider Communication

Families are responsible to communicate with service providers to ensure they are okay with the payment timelines (processing by the end of the month, possible check delays). CFEF is not the financially responsible party for a service the scholarship student has signed up for, that responsibility is still the parents. CFEF will process requests that the parent submits to CFEF, if funds are available in the scholarship student’s account. Monthly reimbursements are processed before payment requests.