Eligible Use of Scholarship Funds

Table of Contents

Scholarship funds are awarded to eligible students by CFEF for the purpose of paying for qualified educational expenses. A qualified scholarship expenses means an expense that a parent or eligible student incurs in the education of the eligible student for goods or services that a qualifying private school or homeschool provides or facilitates.

General Guidelines

  • Educational items or materials, educational experiences, or education-related therapies purchased with scholarship funds should be for the primary purpose and education of the scholarship recipient only
  • Any misuse,misrepresentation or fraud involving scholarship funds will result in immediate forfeiture of the scholarship and parents will be liable for repayment of the scholarship funds expended.
  • Educational purchases should be based upon the age and grade level of the scholarship student and their ability level
  • Any single purchase over $1,000 is required to have a pre-approval by CFEF prior to purchase with a detailed explanation of the educational purpose. A purchase made without prior pre-approval is not guaranteed reimbursement
  • Scholarship recipient’s parents can request a pre-approval for expenses not specifically outlined in this document. A purchase made without pre-approval is not guaranteed reimbursement.
  • It is highly recommended that parents of homeschooled scholarship students prepare an annual education plan for their children and project the cost of the plan to ensure a well-rounded utilization of scholarship funds throughout the school year.
  • If a scholarship recipient transfers to another qualifying school during the school year, CFEF may prorate scholarship money between the qualifying schools according to the time the scholarship recipient spends at each school.

The Utah state law governing the Carson Smith Opportunity Scholarship program specifies the categories of expenses that are allowed. These categories of expenses are defined below.

Tuition for a qualifying school (for students attending qualifying private schools)

  • Tuition for a qualifying school must be published at the beginning of the school year, and may not be adjusted for scholarship students.
  • Tuition is paid directly to the qualifying school on behalf of the scholarship student by CFEF up to the amount of the scholarship on a quarterly basis in September, November, January and April. If tuition is more than the scholarship amount, the parent or guardian is still responsible for payment of any additional tuition to the school.
  • If a student’s scholarship amount exceeds the amount of tuition and fees charged by the qualifying school, the scholarship student may use the excess funds for other educational expenses described below.

Fees for a qualifying school (for students attending qualifying private schools)

Fees for a qualifying school must be published at the beginning of the school year. These fees may include items such as: school uniforms, lab fees, books, extra curricular activities, etc.
Additional fees required for special needs education may be assessed, as long as they are clearly defined and a written disclosure is provided to the parent of each prospective scholarship student before the student is enrolled at the beginning of the school year.

Instructional materials

The content or information conveyed within a prescribed educational course. Examples include lectures, readings, related books, multimedia components or other resources prescribed by the course.

Tutoring services

  • Tutors services provided by an individual or tutoring facility for private academic support delivered by a proven expert with a deep knowledge or defined expertise in a particular subject or set of subjects.
  • Tutors must be approved by CFEF prior to providing tutoring services in order for scholarship funds to be used to cover tutoring costs. Tutor credentials, experience, and expertise will be evaluated as part of the approval process.
  • Personal aides are not eligible.

Textbooks, curricula, or other instructional materials

  • Curriculum is defined as the lessons and academic content taught in a specific course, program or grade level
  • Curriculum materials should fall within the core knowledge domains including: science, mathematics, language arts, government, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, Utah history, and exposure to and appreciation of art and music
  • Associated online instruction that a curriculum or a qualifying school or provider recommends or requires
  • Any additional supplemental educational materials not specifically required by curriculum, must receive CFEF approval prior to purchase

Educational software and applications

Educational software and applications should fall within the core knowledge domains including: science, mathematics, language arts, government, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, Utah history, and exposure to and appreciation of art and music.

Education related office supplies or equipment

  • All items should be education related and appropriate for the scholarship student’s age, grade and ability level
  • Writing supplies: pencils, pens, markers, erasers, correction fluid or tape, etc.
  • Classroom storage: binders, envelopes, boxes, crates, folders, desk organizers, etc.
  • Other items: staplers, calculators, compasses, protractors, globes, maps, etc.
  • Classroom equipment (limited to $500 per item and once every three years): desks, bookshelves, chairs, microscopes, etc.
  • Physical education equipment (limited to $500 per item and once every three years): sports equipment (basketball standard, soccer nets, bicycle), etc.

Computer hardware or other technological devices

  • Hardware and devices must be intended primarily for an eligible student’s educational needs
  • A computer device such as a laptop, MacBook, IPad or desktop computer
    • Pre-approval is required prior to purchase of computer devices
    • “Pro”versions or gaming versions will not be approved
    • Computer devices are limited to $1,500
    • Only one computer hardware device may be purchased once every 3 years
    • Warranties for computer devices are allowed expenses
  • Computer periphery such as external hard drives, printer, mouse, webcam, keyboards, cases, microphones, 3D printers, digital cameras, etc.
    • Limited to $750 per year for all peripherals
    • “Pro”versions of peripheral equipment are not allowed
    • Warranties for peripheral devices are allowed expenses
  • Internet or other technological services
    • Limited for the individual student educational needs
    • General household internet access is not allowed
    • A“hotspot”device that provides internet access for the individual student is allowed
    • Cellphones and cell phone plans are not allowed

Fees for examinations

The following examinations and preparation courses for these examinations are approved:

  • A national norm-referenced or standardized assessment
  • An advanced placement or similar assessment examination
  • A state-recognized industry certification examination
  • An examination related to college or university admission

Educational services for students with disabilities

  • Must be provided from a CFEF approved licensed or accredited practitioner or provider
  • The following services are allowed: occupational, behavioral, physical, audiological, or speech-language therapies
  • Other education related therapies may be allowed depending on the individual educational circumstances of the scholarship student

Public school offered courses or classes

  • Contracted services approved by CFEF provided by a public school, including individual classes, after-school tutoring services, transportation, or fees or costs associated with participation in extracurricular activities are allowed as long as the student is not required to be enrolled in public school to receive services
  • A scholarship student who is enrolled in a qualified private high school, or who is a high school equivalent homeschool student, and is concurrently enrolled in an institution of higher learning, may be reimbursed for college level courses. Verification of concurrent enrollment is required


Ride fees or fares for a fee-for-service transportation provider to transport the eligible student to and from a qualifying school or qualifying provider, not to exceed $750 in a given year

After-school or summer education programs

After-school programs are those activities and programs that are not part of a core curricular education experience. Normal daycare is not an approved after-school activity. No more than 20%of scholarship funds may be used for after-school or summer education programs. Some approved programs include:

Organized sports programs

  • City or county run program fees
  • Organized sports league fees
  • Public school based sports program fees are acceptable as long as the student is not required to be enrolled in public school to participate
  • Sports equipment required for these programs is allowed, but limited to $250 per item in support of the enrolled activity
  • Required uniforms for these sports programs are acceptable
  • Other clothing or footwear are not allowed expenses
  • Travel related costs for organized sports programs are not allowable expenses

Music programs

  • Students may participate in organized choirs or orchestras, including those offered through public schools as long as the student is not required to be enrolled in public school to participate
  • Private music lessons
  • Musical instrument up to $500
  • Rental of musical instruments
  • Musical scores or other music related documents

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs

  • Online or in-person instruction or experiences related to STEM programs
  • STEM related educational activities
  • STEM education related kits or supplies

Drama or other cultural activities

  • Students may participate in community-based drama or cultural activities, including those offered by public schools as long as the student is not required to be enrolled in public school to participate
  • Costume related clothing or footwear are not allowable expenses

Arts and crafts activities

  • Arts and crafts related supplies and materials
  • Community-based art instruction including those offered through public schools as long as the student is not required to be enrolled in public school to participate

Vocational/technical programs

  • Tuition, fees and instructional materials for specific vocational training programs
  • Licensing fees are not allowed

Education Camps

  • The cost of an education camp (i.e. science camp) is allowed
  • The cost of sports camps are allowed
  • Religious camps are not allowed
  • Transportation, food and associated housing costs are not allowed

Extracurricular activities general guidelines

  • Activities need to be education-related activities and should fall within the core knowledge domains including: science, mathematics, language arts, government, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, Utah history, and exposure to and appreciation of art and music. If there is a question about a particular activity, please contact CFEF for prior approval
  • Only the cost of the scholarship student is allowed
  • Family memberships to museums, aquariums or other educational venues will not be reimbursed. The cost of an annual individual memberships for the scholarship student will be reimbursed for approved venues.
  • Transportation and housing costs to and from venues are not allowed expenses
  • Extracurricular activities or other education-related expenses may include, but are not limited to the following:
    • Education-related camps and activities
    • Field trips to education related venues
    • Educational supplements
    • Educational experiences
  • Physical education consists of planned activities designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. The goal is to give students experiences to strengthen their abilities and confidence and be physically active for a lifetime. Physical education can include nontraditional activities, but scholarship funds may not be used to purchase large recreational items.
  • Camping supplies may only be purchased once every 3 years and are limited to the following: student sleeping bag, hammock, 2 person tent, 8’ X 10’ tarp, camp chair, personal basic first aid kit, duffle bag, personal backpacking pack, portable 1 burner stove, and headlamp or flashlight.

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